What am I living for
If not for you
What am I living for
If not for you
What am I living for
If not for you
Jesus, nobody else
Nobody else will do
What am I longing for
Each lonely night
To feel your presence Lord
Place on you tight
You are the only love
My whole life through
Jesus, nobody else
Nobody else will do
I need you close to me
That's all I know
I need you all the time
Cause Jesus I love you so
What am I living for
If not for you
What am I living for
If not for you
What am I living for
If not for you
Jesus, nobody else
Nobody else will do
I need you close to me
That's all I know
I need you all the time
Cause Jesus I love you so
What am I living for
If not for you
Jesus, nobody else
Nobody else will do
Jesus, nobody else
Nobody else will do
Lirik Rohani - What Am I Living For Jesus Lyrics
Kamis, 28 April 2016
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