[Verse 1]
Where would I run
But to the throne of mercy
Where would I kneel
But at this cross of grace
How great the love
How strong the hand that holds us
Beautiful, so beautiful
So here, I bow, to lift You high
Jesus, be glorified
In all things, for all my life
I am Yours, forever Yours
[Verse 2]
There is a King
Who bore the scars of healing
There is a Son
Who came in grace and truth
How great the love
That carries us to kindness
Wonderful, You’re wonderful
So here, I bow, to lift You high
Jesus, be glorified
In all things, for all my life
I am Yours, forever Yours
God here, and now, be lifted high
Right here, and now, be glorified
God of heaven and earth
God who brought me back to life
I am Yours, forever Yours
God here, and now, be lifted high
Right here, and now, be glorified
God of heaven and earth
God who brought me back to life
I am Yours, forever Yours
So here, I bow, to lift You high
Jesus, be glorified
In all things, for all my life
I am Yours, forever Yours
So here, I bow, to lift You high
Jesus, be glorified
In all things, and for all my life
I am Yours, forever Yours ...
Lirik Brian & Jenn Johnson - Here I Bow Lyrics
Senin, 26 Maret 2018
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