won't you look this way for a little while
i want you to realize i am by your side
won't you look this way, five seconds will do
won't you look at me that's right here next to you
although in reality even if your eyes see me
it passes by and there's no time for us to say anything
message on a placard from my heart
if you could just take a look at me
surely you would understand how i really feel
if i write down everything on this
just to say that I really like you
though my chest is beating fast, though my palms are sweating now
i'll tell you that i love you
give me a chance, just one chance is fine
saying my prayers on my own waiting for a sign
give me a chance, even if unplanned
come and look at me, turn and look my way
i should get it together, i should go and say hello
but saying it is easier, it's so much harder to do
message on a placard from my heart
wish my hand could go into my mouth
there is a lot on my heart so take it away
you should know that i really like you
if there is some way i can tell you
even if there's no reply and even if it's hard to try
it will make me happy
everybody has a way, looking for the words to say
somewhere in them, there is a place, way deep down inside their heart
message on a placard from my heart
if you could just take a look at me
surely you would understand how i really feel
if i write down everything on this
just to say that I really like you
though my chest is beating fast, though my palms are sweating now
i'll tell you that i love you
message on a placard from my heart
hey why don't you let it all go out
and tell me what you're thinking, be honest with me
if you can't say what you are feeling
it's okay to put it in writing
what you want to show to me, what you want to say to me
look at me and read my sign
Lirik JKT48 - Message On A Placard Lyrics
Sabtu, 08 November 2014
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